The MMPI-2 has 10 standard clinical scales that are universally scored. These scales were originally named after the diagnostic criterion groups (hypochondriasis, depression, etc.) used in their construction, but currently are indicated by their numbers, 1 through 9, plus 0. The last of the clinical scales to be added to the test, Si, is referred to as Scale 0. The original diagnostic labels from which the scale names derive can be misleading, as the behaviors expected to be associated with the scale diagnostic labels are not always observed. For this reason, referring to the clinical scales by number is less misleading in terms of what the scales are measuring. The reader is referred to the MMPI-2 Manual (Butcher et al., 2001), Appendix A, page 61, for the T-score conversions, and to Appendix B, page 85, for the item composition and the scoring direction for each item based upon the men and women of the re-standardization sample for all of the currently approved MMPI-2 scales. This information may also be found, along with similar information for many additional scales, in Friedman et al. (2001) or Greene (1991a).