We are going to start this chapter by looking at some time management strategies to try to give you a feeling of control over the many competing deadlines you will have as a foundation degree student. By planning your time sensibly, and then sticking to your plan, you will avoid that panicky feeling of falling behind, or the stress that comes from leaving everything to the last minute. There are many different ways of organising your time. Sadly, there is no single rule that works for everyone. As we asked our students about how they manage time, Philip confessed, ‘Don’t ask me, I haven’t yet managed this’. This chapter will start by looking at Stephen Covey et al.’s (1994) ideas of principle-centred time management and then offer you some strategies to plan and organise yourself on a structured basis. The best way to organise yourself is the way that works for you. However, in this chapter we will offer you many ideas that may help you to work out your own system. Our aim is to help you to become more productive in your use of time. This feeling of being in control will build your confidence and you should enjoy your study, work and leisure time even more. Many students feel that poor time management contributes to a feeling of

stress, as do many other pressures, such as the difficulties of combining work and study and balancing the demands of friends and family. We will consider a number of ways you can control your stress and anxiety, and then look specifically at how you can prepare for examinations through effective revision and good exam technique. Our aim is to share with you some lessons from our foundation degree students, to enable you to devise a workable revision plan that meets your needs, allows you to cope with pressure and maximises your chances of success.