What were they thinking! In March, 2010 the New South Wales (Australia) Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages sent Scottish-born Norrie May-Welby an immigration certificate listing her as “sex not specified.” The bureaucratic decision to allow May-Welby to immigrate without specifying his/her sex or gender came after an extended legal battle. As it turned out, May-Welby’s official genderlessness was a way station in a struggle that continues as of this writing. Following intense publicity, the Registry backtracked, claiming it did not have legal authority to produce a gender neutral certificate. May-Welby is suing. Moreover, May-Welby is not the only person on earth who wishes to live gender free. Reporters Barbara Kantrowitz and Pat Wingert suggest that a growing number of people consider themselves gender neutral (Kantrowitz & Wingert, 2010).