This introduction presents an overview of key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book features close analysis of a number of performance events in a range of international settings. It examines a wider array of cultural phenomena including installations, online video performance, sports events, games-based work and theme parks where principles of performance are in play. In each instance, new forms of interaction are facilitated between creator, performer, spectator and event, and personal experience is often foregrounded. The book discusses the notion of affect as a key to developments in the larger cultural ecosystem, and examines diverse studies of affect to build a framework for analysing the experience-inducing work of performances and events. It focuses on four instances of audience engagement an end-on theatre production by Ontroerend Goed; a sporting event; an immersive production by Punchdrunk; and an interactive game-based piece by Blast Theory to explore how each facilitates the experience of its audience/participants.