This chapter seeks to further develop appreciation of the contribution that assessment can make to student learning. The notion of assessment for learning is therefore once again foregrounded and, specifically, linked with an endeavour to promote the contemporary relevance and connectedness of assessment and learning in physical education with the lives and experiences of young people. In addressing relevance and connectedness, much of our discussion also relates to a concern to enhance authenticity in assessment in physical education. In parallel, and in line with our interest in assessment efficacy (see Chapter 7), we emphasise the need to always consider relevance, connectedness and authenticity from the perspective of each and every individual student. Inevitably, such statements can be deemed idealistic and are in danger of being dismissed as too far removed from pedagogical realities to justify engagement. Yet, we retain the stance that valuing individual students’ learning needs, interests, personal life circumstances and values is fundamental to equity in physical education and, more particularly, assessment in physical education.