However well the school is run and however good the teachers skill in managing children, there is likely to be from time to time a child who poses serious problems and who continues to pose problems in spite of everything that the school can do. As headteacher you may eventually find it necessary, after you have tried everything else, to suspend a child. There are three types of exclusion-fixed term, indefinite and permanent. Any exclusion for more than three days must be reported to governors and to the local authority if it is an LEA school. Parents can make representations to the governors, and governors or the LEA can direct that the child be reinstated. In the case of an indefinite exclusion, the LEA must set a date for its ending. In the case of a permanent exclusion the parents can make a formal appeal to the governors who must hold a formal meeting to hear the appeal. If the governors support the headteacher, the LEA must decide whether or not to confirm their decision. If the exclusion is confirmed, the parents can appeal to an independent tribunal. If the LEA overrules the governors and reinstates a pupil, the governors can appeal to the independent committee.