A L L men are educators. Not only those who preside over forms or wrestle with classes of fifty or discourse in lecture rooms; not only those who seek-or avoid seeking-to direct the growth of youthful families (where, by the bye, the classes are generally too small). But all who build or administer human institutions, all who accept or revolt from current conventions, all whose talk expresses valuations and reveals an attitude or temper of mind-these too-and who can claim exemption?—are sharers in the same task; and it is by the nature of this influence that their quality as men is judged. On the other hand, all are being influenced, all are pupils-differing indeed in receptiveness and docility, in power of assimilation and creative transmission, but pupils whether they will or no. So spreads the web of spiritual relationships, with all its infinite subtlety and intricacy, producing moment by moment facts of thought and feeling and mental activity which are new creations.