I AM disposed to turn aside for a space at this point to discuss a question which is not often raised, at any rate in just this form, but which seems to me vital and of very practical moment. How far is it the duty of the educator to develop those sides or capabilities of the educatee in which the latter is deficient or weak, and how far to seize upon his natural bent and facility and make the most of tha t? Is the defect to be acquiesced in and the capacity to be taken as deciding the right line of advance? Or is the weakness to be regarded as a summons to the teacher to strengthen the feeble knees? If the child has an artistic gift but is incapable and uninterested in mathematics, shall we let mathematics go and give full scope for the appreciative and creative faculty? If so, how far shall we carry this? Are we guilty of allowing the raw material to decide its destination? If the natural man is commercially minded, shall we make no attempt to urge social responsibilities? If he is an extravert, shall we encourage that, or is there a place for a little counterbalancing introversion? If materially minded, is the spiritual to be left to take care of itself? If a child seems innately untidy or dirty, we do

not, I think, take this as a heaven-sent guide to its future character.