The main thrust of this chapter is to indicate how the findings from your research, which you have uncovered through a detailed analysis of your data and the resulting evidence you have produced, can be used in the development of a theory of your practice. In the course of articulating your findings, you may have come to an understanding that your research has significance at various levels – for yourself at a personal level, for your pupils at the micro level of your school, and for the wider community at the macro level of educational practice in general. It is important to be aware of the significance of your research and to try to find ways to ensure that others also learn of its significance. You might, therefore, investigate methods of disseminating the findings of your research so that others can benefit from your experience, and may be encouraged to undertake similar research projects that could result in an enhancement in their educational practices. In this manner, your research findings could have far-reaching effects and in the process you could have an influence on social formations, which Whitehead (2004) considers to be one of the outcomes of living theory action research.