A typical citizen is exposed to more than 600 commercial messages each day, from radio spots to spam (Clow & Baack, 2007, p. 132), among which are advertisements from religious groups. Religious advertising ranges from something as basic as pamphlets distributed on a city street to more costly television commercials. One example is a print advertisement from an Episcopalian church in Maryland that depicts Jesus Christ being crucifi ed with the caption: “Of course people with pierced body parts are welcome in our church” (Armstrong, 2000). Advertising is also used within denominations as with a campaign encouraging Jewish parents to consider increasing the size of their families (Ott, 2002). Religious involvement in marketing has been strategic and controversial. On the one hand, advertising enables churches to reach large numbers of people, attract converts, and solicit donations. On the other hand, many are uncomfortable mixing business with the sacred. One thing is clear, however; religious groups are increasingly applying the tools of marketing; they use advertising more than at any other time in history. Th e same tactics used to sell commercial products are being used to promote denominations. Some churches employ advertising agencies and have public relations departments that are staff ed by communications experts.