With the legal establishment of the agency and a confluence of authority to carry out the duties and responsibilities for which it was inaugurated, the stage is set for the development of a system that will encompass all of the identifiable recreational resources within the community. Whether in the public, quasi-public, or private domains, the process of coordination between these agencies must be implemented so that the greatest scope of recreational opportunities will be available to potential participants. What constitutes a total recreational service system in modern cities? At

the outset it must be recognized that a variety of public entities contribute to an array of recreational possibilities in any given community. Added to this is an agglomeration of private concerns, including companies, consultants, teachers of various skills, and for-profit organizations that cater to the gamut of needs, wants, or desires of people with leisure. Of course, voluntary, non-profit organizations must also be included in this listing of resources because they serve a broad segment of the population recreationally as well. Quasi-public agencies tend to satisfy some recreational needs of specific populations. All of these have an impact on the direct delivery of recreational opportunities to the people in the community.