Inclusive AVS is the first of the two types of adverbal intensifiers we are going to deal with in the following. At first sight, it seems to have a lot in common with the additive particle also since, in a wide variety of cases, the latter can be regarded as a suitable paraphrase of it. Recall that exclusive AVS can be glossed best by alone or on one's own. However, the similarity to also is only the tip of the iceberg. When looked at in slightly more detail, it quickly becomes apparent that reducing inclusive AVS to the meaning of also cannot be the whole story. Whereas use and distribution of also are relatively independent of external factors, inclusive AVS imposes tight conditions on the make-up of the larger context, the NP it interacts with as well as on the kind of verb present. If one of these factors is not properly adjusted to the semantics of inclusive AVS, the sentences under consideration can easily become unacceptable or even ungrammatical.