Ethnicity is the sense of belonging to a group who share the same cultural heritages, language and values. In each ethnic community, there are people who strongly hold to their ethnic identity, and others who, having a less strong sense of ethnicity, more readily mingle with the host community. In the Japanese transnational community in the City, there are complex relational maps of ethnic identities of different groups. People living in the core of each community, British merchant bankers in the financial community of the City of London, Japanese expatriate managers in the Japanese business community within the City, have a strong sense of their ethnicity. The sense of ethnicity is considered to be based on what kind of culture they have or to which cultural group they belong. The cultural identities of the interviewees—especially the Japanese respondents—are shaped by the relationships between Japanese expatriates and settlers, and the location of interviewees in Europe and their relationship with Japanese society. In this chapter, the outlook of the Japanese financial business community and its different groups of people there are investigated.