The Robert Burns Centre in Dumfries is holding a monthly lesbian and gay film screening. The night is called Bona Vada and takes place on the first Thursday of each month.

(Gay Times 2000: 69)

While it is not the case that Polari will ever be as popular as it was in the 1950s-60s, from the mid-1990s onwards there has been a small but notable resurgence of interest in it, which, when compared to the dearth of information available in the 1970s and 1980s, is in itself remarkable. I begin this chapter by suggesting possible reasons for this change of interest, relating them to the recent rise of a gay community or culture (as opposed to a subculture) in the UK. Moving on from that, I spend some time looking at the different ways that Polari is being rediscovered and redeployed by new generations of gay men.