of it, is consequently erroneous. Many people are displeased with the performance – but they are not careful to distinguish faults in the plan, from faults in the execution – and the consequence is that they form an improper opinion of your genius. In reading any composition, most certainly the pleasure we receive arises almost wholly from the Sentiments, thoughts, & descriptions contained in it. A secondary pleasure arises from admiration of those talents requisite to the production of it. In reading the Idiot boy, all persons who allow themselves to think must admire your talents – But they regret that they have been so employed – and while they esteem the Author, they cannot help being displeased with his performance. I have seen a most excellent painting of an Ideot [sic] – but it created in me inexpressible disgust. I was struck with the excellence of the picture – I admired the talents of the artist – but I had no other source of pleasure. The Poem of the Ideot boy produced upon me an effect in every respect similar. I find that my remarks upon several of your other Poems must be reserved for another Letter. If you think this one deserves an answer – a letter from Wordsworth would be to me a treasure. If your silence tells me that my letter was beneath your notice, you will never again be troubled by one whom you consider as an ignorant admirer. But if your mind be as amiable as it is reflected in your Poems – you will make allowance for defects that age may supply and make a fellow creature happy, by dedicating a few moments to the instructions of an admirer and sincere friend