This chapter shows you how to use the macros for each of the designs described in the previous two chapters. In case you haven’t used macros before, Appendices 2 (SPSS) and 3 (Excel) demonstrate how to run and edit a macro in each of the packages. Also in the appendices, we have provided listings of the macros with comments, but you only need to read these long sections if you want to edit the macros or write new ones yourself. To use the macros as they are, the easiest way is to take them from the book Web site (https://www.researchmethodsarena.com/9780415886932" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">https://www.researchmethodsarena.com/9780415886932) along with the example data used for illustration in this chapter and the previous one. You will probably want to run the macros with the example data yourself before applying them to your own data. We remind you that when you run the macros with our example data for yourself, although the actual test statistics will be the same, the counts of arrangement statistics at least as extreme are unlikely to be exactly the same as ours because we take a random sample from the reference set, as explained in Chapter 2. The corresponding probabilities also vary a bit from one run to another. The SPSS and Excel results shown below are those from our own runs. Sometimes we remind you they are sample runs and quote results for another run.