Many of the purposes of the team are fulfilled whilst working together on the process part of the task in hand (e.g. in meetings, discussion and working groups, workshop sessions). The stages in the growth of teams have been defined (Belbin 1981) as:

• ‘Forming’ – an often ‘edgy’ process of familiarisation within the group, during which each individual eventually makes his/her mark, displays a little of his/her agenda and identifies the agenda of the others;

• ‘Storming’ – a period of possible conflict, sometimes about the aims of the group, sometimes about the aims of individuals, in which the first easy, but often false, consensus is challenged;

• ‘Norming’ – a re-settling into an acceptable way of working with goals and roles more fully understood and accepted;

• ‘Performing’ – a mature and sensibly productive phase which allows for argument and discussion but within an agreed set of objectives.