The Hasmonean kingdom was established in the Land of Israel at the end of the second century BCE and began a series of conquests which changed this small state into one of the most powerful political forces in the ancient Middle East. With the Roman conquest in 63 BCE, the Land of Israel became a vassal state which in the year 6 CE or a little before became Provincia Judaea. In 135 CE, after the Bar-Kochba revolt, the name of the province was changed to Palaestina (Palestine) or Syria-Palaestina. The boundaries of the province changed from time to time and took on a final form really only at the end of the first century CE. The province of Palestine was further divided in the fourth century CE into Palaestina Prima and Palaestina Secunda. In spite of this administrative division, both Palestines continued to be basically one geographichistorical unit (Avi-Yonah 1963).