Family: Meliaceae, sub-family: Melioideae, Tribe: Melieae Genus: Azadirachta A.Juss in Mem. Mus. Par. XIX (1830) 220 (Mel.68) 1830-Melia Species: indica A.Juss lice 221, 69-Melia azadirachta


According to Gamble (1902), the center of origin of A. indica is in the forests of Karnatka (south India) or the dried inland forests of Burma (Myanmar). Other authors were of the opinion that this tree originated in the forests of the Shivalik hills (foothills of the western Himalayas) or on east coast of south India. The great variety in the shape of the leaves and other morphological features support the theory of the origin of A. indica in upper Myanmar (Schmutterer, 1995); later it became naturalized in the forests of central and western India.