Father Antonio de Andrade, a Portuguese, founded a mission at Agra, then the capital of Mogol. There he heard that a religion, similar to Christianity, was practised in Thibet and determined to found a mission there. With Brother Manuel Marques he went by Sirinagar [Srinagar in Garhwal] to Coghé [Guge] and in March, 1624, arrived at the city of Caparàng [Tsaparang, or Chaprang, on the upper Sutlej] in Thibet. They found that the report was a myth, but the King, Queen and Princes received them most kindly, and even gave them permission to preach, to build churches, etc. Promising to return as soon as they had obtained permission from the superiors, they returned to Agra, and left again on the seventeenth of June, 1625, with Father Gonzales de Sousa, Brother Manuel Marques, and two young Thibettans they had brought to Mogol.