The Thibettans venerate and adore many objects which are included in the supreme concept Kŏn-Cciôà, which contains three classes: (1) Sang-hiêe-Kŏn-Cciôà; (2) Cciŏó;-Kŏn-Cciôà; (3) Kendun-Kŏn-Cciôà [the Buddhist Triad; Sang-gye, or Buddha; Chho, or Dharma, the Word; Sangha, the Church], By these three classes they do not mean three separate and distinct objects merged into the one being, Kŏn-Cciôà, but three complex parts which merge into Kŏn-Cciôà, or rather to which is given the special title of Kŏn-Cciôà. This title is composed of two words, Kŏn, really Kŏn-bò; [Kon-po], a rare precious thing of great value, and Cciôà, an excellent, perfect thing.