On the road between Pattnà and Agra the traveller meets with a good deal of annoyance from the extortionate demands of the Ciocchi-dâr, custom house officers belonging to the different feudal domains through which it passes. So I obtained an order for a Meorà, men in the service of Court officials who carry despatches from the Emperor. These officials are called Gorz-bar-dâr, or bearers of a mace, such as is carried in front of our Cardinals; and also Hattl [Hathi], or Elephants, i.e. devastators sent by the Emperor. They travel in Ciarpai [Charpoi], a sort of bed without mattresses, carried by four men. The Meorà are ready at all hours to accompany these officials, and they have to procure men to carry the Ciarpai and any baggage to the next post-house, generally two or three miles distant. No custom house officer dares interfere with anyone travelling with a Meorà, or examine his baggage.