But I must return to my journey. Owing to the very disturbed state of the country I could not go by Agra, Guzerat and Surat, which is not far from Goa; so by Agra, Elahabás and Benares I returned to Pattnà. Here I availed myself of the departure of the Dutch fleet to go by water to Sciandernagor [Chandernagor], and we sailed from Pattnà on the twenty-first of November, 1725. Travelling by land one passes Sagregali [Sakrigali] and Mahsud-âabad [Murshidabad], the latter a large populous city, with much trade, capital of the famous Kingdom of Bengalà subject to the Emperor of Mogol. The Governor of the province is a renowned Ombrà, called Giafer-Khan [Ja‘far Khan] who, born a Pagan, became so strict a Mohammedan that he is regarded as a Master and Director by that impious sect. Just in all his dealings, and kindly, he is beloved, respected and feared by natives and foreigners. Every year he sends more than seven millions of Spanish dollars as well as jewels, horses, hundreds of elephants and other presents to the Emperor and occasionally also to the ministers. It is said his private fortune amounts to four hundred and fifty millions of Spanish dollars, or nine hundred millions of rupees (the money of Moghul). From this you may imagine what are the riches of the Emperor. 12