On the 3rd of March 1620 the armada set sail and ran along the coast to Quirimba where Ioão Barbosa sent the Captain-Major 6 more pieces of artillery which had been saved from the wreck, and thus he arrived at Mombaça where he was detained for 3 days whilst the urca was awaiting the spring-tides without which she could not leave; this done, and all the people being embarked, he proceeded in the direction of Cape Guardafui, and on the 20th of April reached the Red Sea, or Sea of Mecca as it is sometimes called by reason of the great number of Moors who frequent it: anchoring off the inner side of the Cape, he sent the urcas on up the Strait to see if they could find any of the ships which are accustomed to come every year from India laden with immense riches. When the urcas had left, the galleons fell in with 5 ships, in one of which came four Jesuit Fathers from Dio who were going to Prester John 1 disguised in Moorish dress because they did not wish to be known, by reason of the toils they endure on such journeys in cultivation of the Catholic Faith that their evangelical doctrine has produced in such barbarous regions. They related how the war with Mangalor went, with the loss of our army in which had been slain Luis de Brito and Francisco de Miranda Henriques, both fidalgos of great repute in the Service of his Majesty and dreaded by the Moors. The Captain Major dismissed the Fathers and gave licence to 3 of the other ships to accompany them in freedom; and he ordered the crew of a ship belonging to the Queen of Olala to be beheaded, as she was also in arms against us, and transferred the cargo to the galleons, leaving in it some bulky merchandise and a prize-crew of soldiers and mariners to sail it.