Much has been written about Al Qaeda and its leader Osama bin Laden since

11 September 2001 (‘9/11’), although most books and papers have under-

standably focused on the period before that fateful day. Much less has and can

be written about Al Qaeda post 9/11 because it has been driven ‘underground’

as a result of the global war against terrorism. What we do know is that those

remaining members of the Al Qaeda leadership not already arrested or killed

are on the run or in hiding. It seems certain that bin Laden himself is still alive

and probably holed up in Pakistan close to the Afghan border. Other leaders

have dispersed globally and are probably hiding within and moving covertly

between sympathetic Islamic communities right across the Middle East,

Europe, the Far East and Africa. Whilst it is certain that the global war against

terrorism led by the United States has severely impacted Al Qaeda’s

operational capabilities and freedom of maneuver, it has not prevented this

group from reorganizing, as well as recruiting and training limited numbers of

new operatives. The group itself, or its affiliates and those inspired by it, have

also continued to conduct deadly operations in numerous countries, although

so far not on the scale of 9/11.