Uncertainty is part and parcel of being a therapist, and learning to deal with this on a daily basis is essential to your happiness and well-being. The very nature of psychotherapy is ambiguous, and looking for the “right” way to do it can, in and of itself, be frustrating. Similarly, there is no predictability in outcome, and despite your best interventions, your clients do not always respond as you would like them to. The vagueness of the therapy task and, in many instances, the lack of measurable, quantifiable results also make for stress. In addition to the emotional insecurities that stem from being a therapist, there are frequently financial ones as well, especially for professionals in private practice, particularly for beginning therapists but not limited to those. The emotional and eco nomic unpredictability inherent in being a psychotherapist can add to your stress level, and learning to ride the waves is important for you. In this chapter, I will discuss the ways to deal with the emotional uncertainty, as well as with business fluctuations if you work for yourself.