The Communist Project was the modernity of politicised social and cultural revolution. In the terms of Berman's allegorical trilogy interpreting the Faust legend as modernity, I can see Marx as the Philosopher and Dreamer, Lenin as the Lover and Stalin as the Developer. Marx declared the bourgeoisie as the most revolutionary class in history and the trend of history to lead on to the hegemony of the working class. Lenin created the Party as the champion and leader of political, social and cultural revolution. Stalin was the remote, insecure Developer who lost sight of the purpose dreamed of by Marx, and loved by Lenin. The tragedy of communism was its development of western ideas as an heir to eastern statehood. The overwhelming humanity of Marx, the Philosopher, was transformed into the inhumanity of Stalin by communist modernity's internal propensities, the tradition of autocracy and absolutism inherited from czarist Russia, and the hostility of western capitalism.