I challenge people to achieve the best educational outcome for a pupil even in the face of strong resistance by the pupil, parents or others

3 I am generally confident in my ability

I contribute a constructive and independent opinion in meetings and discussions

I believe, based on my track-record, that I can handle new or difficult situations

4 I honour commitments and promises

I act in accordance with my values and beliefs (i.e. I walk the talk)

I act in accordance with my values and beliefs even when there is a significant personal cost involved

5 I break problems into simple groups of tasks or activities (e.g. making a list of items, such as a “to-do” list)

I think about the immediate causes and implications of a given situation and use this to plan lessons and structure coherent programmes of work

I trace problems back several steps to identify multiple possible causes and implications for dealing with the situation

6 I use common sense to cut through detail and focus on what is important

I use and adapt ideas and theories from other schools and situations

I find new and creative ways to explain complex ideas simply and clearly

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1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTALS

7 I set and apply my own standards to measure my and others’ performance I make specific measurable improvements to the quality of teaching and learning I continuously track and measure my own and my pupils’ performance against challenging standards of excellence

8 I probe beneath surface answers to get at the root of a problem or situation I gather information or resources from a range of sources, for a specific purpose I systematically gather and store information that will be relevant to pupil learning or the school

9 I act immediately to seize opportunities or tackle problems as they occur I defuse potential conflicts by acting decisively I anticipate and prepare for opportunities or problems not obvious to others

10 I’m willing to explore new ideas and approaches I make sensible alterations to normal procedures when the situation demands it I read and react to the needs of the pupils and the situation to make learning interesting and relevant

11 I set clear standards and expectations of people’s behaviour I hold people accountable for achieving their objectives and tell them when work is not up to standard I convey clearly and positively the consequences of not meeting required standards of work and behaviour and act swiftly to confront poor performance

12 I state objectives for a class/meeting, manage time effectively and give clear instructions for task completion I explain the reasons behind tasks and provide feedback and updates on progress I go out of my way to get extra materials and resources needed by the class/group

13 I make the classroom an attractive, comfortable and stimulating space I shape individual and group work to provide pupils who have different ways of learning with stimulating opportunities to practise and learn I encourage pupils to make links with existing learning and challenge them to solve problems and understand issues

14 I rely on logical arguments to persuade others, (e.g. to get resources or to support a view) I take a number of different steps to persuade others, using a number of different lines of argument I take action calculated to make learning vivid or memorable

15 I interpret non-verbal cues to understand how people are feeling I understand the significance of the behaviour of people, seeing the real cause even if this is not expressed I demonstrate a deep understanding of behaviour and accurately understand what lies behind people’s ongoing behaviour

16 I openly communicate information and good ideas to people (e.g. keeping parents up to date with their children’s progress) I actively seek opinions, ideas and feedback on my work from colleagues, parents and others I build the team spirit by making people feel proud to be part of the team Have you completed step two?