POPOVIC, Anton ( 1 933-84). Slovak liter­ ary scholar and leading figure of translation studies in East and Central Europe during the 1 960s and 1 970s. Co-founder, with Frantisek Miko, of the Centre for Literary Communi­ cation and Experimental Methodics in Nitra ( 1967) and the Summer School of Translation Studies in Slovakia ( 1975). As a disciple of Jii'i LEVY (see CZECH TRADffiON), he con­ tinued the Czech and Slovak structural tradition, publishing Strukturalizmus v sloven­ skej vede 1931 - 1 949 (Structuralism in Slovak Science - 193 1 - 1 949) in 1970. He later developed his theory of literary communi­ cation and metacommunication in Problemy literarnej metakomunikticie. Te6ria metatextu (Problems of Literary Metacommunication. The Theory of Metatexts) in 1 975. His most important works include Preklad a vyraz (Translation and Expression, 1961) , Poetika umeleckeho prekladu (Poetics of Literary Translation, 1971 ) , Umeleckf preklad v CSSR (Literary Translation in Czechoslovakia, 1 974) , Te6ria umeleckeho prekladu (The Theory of Literary Translation, 1975; trans­ lated into Hungarian, Russian and Serbo­ Croatian) , and Dictionary for the Analysis of Literary Translation ( 1976). Popovic's contri­ bution to translation studies is analysed in Gentzler ( 1993).