In 1 94 1 , he emigrated to Brazil. His host country awarded him citizenship in recognition of his contribution to Brazilian literature. He was Head of French Literature at Pedro II University. Together with Aurelio Buarque de Hollanda, he collected and translated into Portuguese a 10-volume anthology of short stories from all over the world under the title Mar de hist6rias ( ' Sea of Stories ' ) ; he devoted 44 years of his life to this task. He also coordinated the translation of two more collec­ tions: Balzac's ComMie humaine and the Nobel Library, the latter a collection of major literary works. As editor, he became a school of translation in his own right, training novice translators and fostering, through his demand­ ing standards , the concept that translation , whether literary or scientific/technical , deserved respect and deserved to be discussed from a theoretical point of view.