Induction phase Hello…(Introduce names, roles; ask family for similar.) As you know-—(referrer) has contacted me/us to say you have a problem and that you are willing to discuss it with me/us. What I/we would like to do in the next hour is get a clear picture of the problem and its background, in your own words. I would like to be able to understand what it’s like to be in your shoes. Is that all right with you? Does anyone want to ask a question? (Reply as necessary.) [Next, I’d better explain about this room and how we work… (At this point the interviewer can explain any special features of the interview, e.g. observers, video, etc., and check back with the family that they consent to these features. If relevant, the availability of play or drawing materials can be specified. Allowing the children (and adults) to explore the room or

view special facilities such as oneway screens can help the family to settle.)]

(Establish any fears or expectations concerning the interview.)

Family view(s) of problem Now I would like to hear in your own words a description of the

Joining phase (also gains social information)

Now before we start properly I would find it helpful to know a little bit of background about each of you as people. Mr and/or Mrs ——, are you (both) from this part of the world? Do you work? What as? Can you introduce each of the children and tell me a little about each of them-what they like to do, what they are good at, etc. (Allow 5-10 minutes for a discussion which should aim to introduce each member of the family to the interviewer-who should aim to accept and confirm each member of the family in a positive way.) OK, now we’ll start. I usually go through a list of questions that I have found through experience to be important. I hope this doesn’t put you off but I have a terrible memory. If you don’t want to answer any of the questions, just say so.