As I have tried to suggest in the preceding pages, Derrida is a great talker as well as a great writer. Coming to his work for the first time, you may find it most helpful to combine reading some of his interviews with reading some of the more important essays or other short texts. I have divided up this section of the bibliography into ‘Interviews and Other Discussions with Derrida’, ‘Top Ten Essays and Other Short Texts by Derrida’, ‘Derrida Anthologies’ and ‘A Chronology of Selected Books by Derrida’. I would emphasize that this bibliography makes no attempt at being exhaustive (though it may make exhausting reading!). More detailed bibliographical information on works by or about Derrida can be found in, for example: William B. Schultz and Lewis L.B. Fried, Jacques Derrida: An Annotated Primary and Secondary Bibliography (Garland, 1992); Albert Leventure, ‘A Jacques Derrida Bibliography 1962–90’, in Textual Practice, 5: 1 (1991); Geoffrey Bennington, ‘Bibliography’, in Bennington and Derrida, Jacques Derrida (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1993); Martin McQuillan, ‘Bibliography’, in Deconstruction: A Reader (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2000); and, most up-to-date, Peter Krapp’s Bibliography on the internet, at www.hydra.umn.edu/derrida.