Rtni:c~s or ~nnlC othpr eould r~' \\'hieh ,''os thprehy PII:l hh·d :111.1 ()blit~'f'd to spll t.o us nluterinls or goods \\"ldeh \\'('.\\'0 nt. rOT· our ll~e on t,f't'nlS R(lvn l1-

t-nf~n()tls to Olll' irlC.ll1strif'R. (hlr ),f.'In t:inllH ,rit;h SOIlf:h 1\frica i 1I11sfT:l tf' this

irnporta nt truth. upon. one side. Though South Africa is a not inconsiderable purchnspr of our Inn n 11 fn et 11 rf~S t sliP hft S COIII pH l'ativp.ly Jittln t<> ~ive \IS that \\'e \vant. 'l'he gold and tliolnoll(1s which

a)'c~ hnr chi.·" pn)(JtI(~f.s for e~p()rt to illcl(\(lc1 pa:-\A thron:~'h onr h:t1 Hl~. hut 'Vf' do not. l~~ep or \V;\Jlf. to kc'('p fll" h1l11, of fhf'1l1 for our o\\"n lI~(', \Vo rl'f:lill (·f)I"pnr(lti\·(~I.\' litt.l(' oj' HI~ fruits of fhn

Hnw Routh rnining' flll(l OtlH'I' "n..k otn-enpifal hn:-:; done. All ican develilpnaent ~I'I)(\ hulk of til!' illh,,.e~t dll(~ to 11S, of th~ pa.yment nffccta n()ru~ InduHt.rieR, for t'H~ r~rjtish 111ft nll faetures they buy t and of our

of concrete eapital, have all over the world helped to pave n, broad eOlnn}('rcial ,"oad for other 13rit i~~h Illa.l tJ l'aetu rc's.