This insecurity and the accompanying desire for order seems to have reached a new level of intensity recently, due in part but not solely to the events of September 11. Hardly a day goes by that one cannot read a headline attesting to the potential dangers of immigration or the renewed efforts to keep “them” out, or the failed attempts to keep “them” out, or the “successful” border policies that have in fact kept “them” out only to result in many, many deaths as “they” continually try to get in. In an article entitled “Europe’s Unwelcome Guests,” The Nation, proclaims that resentment against immigrants is at the boil.7 The Guardian states that “Pim is dead but his ideas are more alive than ever.”8 The New York Times speaks of “Europe’s Identity Crisis.”9 A common element in the rightward move in Europe recently is the issue of immigration and the fears it raises and while September 11 may have exacerbated these fears, they were present long before that tragic, sunny morning.