Despite frequent earlier references, it is appropriate to devote this chapter entirely to development during the Soviet period. In this way one can demonstrate how the extensive and far-reaching negative effects on cultural life and personal ownership of land and property were offset by the enormous improvements in state services, in particular the welfare system. In comparison with the neighbouring countries on, or near, the southern border – Afghanistan, Pakistan and almost certainly India too – the Pamiris did extremely well under the Soviet Union, especially from the mid-1950s onwards. This is why, in spite of having been subjected to often violent change under Stalin, and suffering continued denial of political rights under the Soviet system, most people are united in their criticism of the changes which took place after Tajikistan became independent. If you ask anyone about the advantages and disadvantages of the old and new systems, the honest reply is almost always: ‘We would like to have the Soviet Union back.’ Although people do value democratic freedom, this does not help them cope with the actual physical hardships resulting from the present economic and political crisis.