Another set of factors which may explain anti-social behaviour are those related to personality. Type A behaviour, a label first coined by Friedman and Rosenman (1974), is exhibited by a person who is highly motivated, competitive, assertive, timeconscious and…aggressive. A number of studies have shown that type As are more likely to engage in hostile aggression. Type As are more likely than type Bs to:

• experience conflict at work; • engage in child or spouse abuse (Strube et al. 1984); • suffer extreme frustration when, for example, they are held up

in traffic; • demonstrate their ‘road rage’ by behaving aggressively not via

rude gestures, but in terms of actual bodily harm to those perceived to have caused the problem;

• have road accidents: this was found by Evans et al. (1987) when studying bus drivers in both India and the United States. Type A drivers had accidents more frequently than type B drivers did, irrespective of country.