As with any job, it takes some time for you to settle down and feel in control of all aspects of your life as a teacher. Coming from ITE, where you may have taught a reduced timetable as a PGCE student, to a full-time post with very few non-teaching periods requires a considerable level of adjustment and a certain amount of stamina. It is a good idea to plan ahead over the summer before you start teaching so that you have a range of teaching resources, worksheets and lesson plans already prepared for the first term. This will help you to keep calm and will allow you to focus on your classroom management and teaching without being distracted by the volume of preparation you have to do each evening. The school will have provided you with a Scheme of Work-use it to your advantage. Make a list of any questions you may have relating to the use of software packages or other teaching resources with which you are unfamiliar and sort this out during the in-school non-teaching days before the term begins.