It is one thing to recognise storytelling's potential as a reflective learning tool. It is another thing to use it confidently. While some educators and students will find stories spontaneously, others may take time to feel comfortable working with them. In this chapter we offer some activities that can be used to establish the beginnings of a storytelling culture. These activities come from a variety of sources and have been adapted to suit our purposes. Where possible we acknowledge their source or, if the source is unknown, we thank the individuals who introduced them to us. Some activities were generated as we taught or worked in clinical settings. A few arrived unannounced in the middle of the night. Several have their origins in creative writing or drama workshops. Most have been used many times with many groups. As with all teaching and learning resources, their appeal will vary. We hope, by offering a range of activities, that educators and students will find several to entice them into the realm of storytelling. Before each activity is described, general information is provided under the headings purpose, group size, time and resources.