I have no doubt that, with reasonably good teaching, science should be everybody’s favourite subject in primary schools. One of the reasons is that it’s closely connected with children’s senses. Now if there’s one thing small children excel in, it is the acuity of their senses. A tremendous number of little children can ‘feel’ tremendously well and so holding an animal is marvellous for them. They can actually hear much better than we can, much higher frequencies. When my grandchildren from London come to see me, the first thing they do when they come out of the car is look around. It’s the first time they’ve met granny for a while, but they’re not interested in granny at all, of course. I think what they are looking at is birds, and then I suddenly realise there are birds calling everywhere. It’s like an orchestra for them. They’re absolutely astonished. Much of this I cannot hear.