A PERSONAL PRONOUNS 301 Personal pronouns-form, table

B SUBJECT AND OBJECT PRONOUNS 302 The first person-jag, vi 303 The second person-du, ni 304 Forms of address in Swedish 305 The third person 306 Han, hon and nouns indicating a person but not a gender 307 Ett ungt par-det or de? 308 Table showing the major uses of det 309 The use of det

C REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS 310 The use of reflexive pronouns 311 Some exceptions to the main rule 312 The ethical dative 313 ‘Each other’, ‘one another’—reciprocal pronouns

D EMPHATIC PRONOUNS 314 Emphatic pronouns in English-personal pronoun in Swedish 315 Själv

E POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES AND PRONOUNS 316 Possessive adjectives and pronouns 317 The use of possessive pronouns 318 Dess 319 Hans or sin?—basic use 320 Hans or sin? Further implications of the basic rule 321 Possessive pronouns in pejorative expressions 322 ‘A friend of mine’ 323 Possessive pronoun in English-definite article in Swedish 324 Personal and possessive pronouns in comparisons with än and som

F DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS 325 The form of demonstrative pronouns 326 The use of demonstrative pronouns

327 Samma, densamma 328 Sådan, dylik, slik

G DETERMINATIVE PRONOUNS 329 Determinative pronouns

H INDEFINITE PRONOUNS 330 Man 331 Varje, var, varenda etc., table of forms and use 332 Varje, var 333 Var och en, varenda, etc 334 Varannan 335 Varandra 336 Vardera någondera ingendera, etc. 337 Prices: ‘50 euros each’ 338 Distribution: ‘1 teaspoonful to every 5 litres’ 339 All (allt, alla) etc. 340 Annan, den andra 341 Någon (något, några) 342 Somlig 343 Ingen (inget, inga) 344 Ingen or inte någon? 345 Ingen inte någon-a schematic summary 346 Translation of ‘some’ and ‘any’ into Swedish 347 Båda 348 Mycket 349 Många 350 Inte för mycket ärter, tack! 351 Mer, fler 352 ‘Most’, mest, etc.—a schematic overview of Swedish use 353 ‘Most’, ‘most of’, etc. 354 Lite, litet 355 Få 356 Mindre, färre, minst 357 Lagom 358 Swedish pronominal compounds with som helst, and English ‘whoever’. ‘whatever’, etc. 359 Concessive ‘whoever’, ‘whatever’, etc. 360 ‘One’ used to replace a noun

J INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS 361 Interrogative pronouns, introduction and form 362 Vem? Vilka? in direct questions


301 Personal pronouns-form, table

363 Vad? in direct questions 364 Vad för? etc. in direct questions 365 Vilken? etc. in direct questions 366 Interrogative pronouns in indirect questions 367 Interrogative pronouns in direct and indirect questions 368 Vilken (vilket, vilka)=‘What (a)’+noun in exclamations

K RELATIVE PRONOUNS 369 Relative pronouns, introduction and form 370 Som 371 Vilken, vilket, vilka 372 Vars and the genitive forms of the relative pronoun 373 Vad and vad som

Singular Subject Object Possessive Reflexive

1 person jag I

mig (mej) me

min my, mine

mig (mej) me

2 person familiar

du you

dig (dej) you

din your, yours

dig (dej) you

2 person formal

ni you

er you

er your, yours

er you

3 person masculine

han he

honom him

hans/sin his

sig (sej) himself

3 person feminine

hon she

henne her

hennes/sin her, hers

sig (sej) herself

3 person non-neuter

den it

den it

dess/sin its

sig(sej) itself

3 person neuter

det it

det it

dess/sin its

sig (sej) itself

Plural Subject Object Possessive Reflexive

1 person vi we

oss us

vår our, ours

oss us

2 person familiar

ni you

er you

er your, yours

er you

The table above does not include neuter and plural forms of the possessive pronouns (see 316-324). Subject and object pronouns are dealt with in 302-309, reflexive pronouns in 310-312.