There were once two Japanese priests, Hdgon and Renzd. Hdgon practised reciting the AvataTsaka SEtra, while Renzd was a devotee of the SaddharmapuURarCka (White Lotus of the True Dharma) SEtra. As a result of the power of the AvataTsaka SEtra, and Hdgon’s virtue, a deity regularly supplied Hdgon with food. Out of his charity, and perhaps also a little spiritual pride, Hdgon requested one day that the deity provide enough food for two, and invited Renzd to dine. Alas, in spite of the deity’s agreement, on the appointed day no food appeared. Evening came, and Renzd, realizing perhaps that he had something better to do, returned home. As soon as he left the hermitage the deity appeared, laden with food. At first sight one might suppose that Renzd was lacking in virtue – but nothing could be further from the truth. It seems that Renzd, through the power of the Lotus SEtra, came accompanied by so many invisible protector deities that the poor deity of the AvataTsaka SEtra could not get through the door. Hdgon, duly impressed, abandoned reciting the AvataTsaka SEtra and became a fervent supporter of the Lotus SEtra instead. As so often, religious practice is a matter of power and the greater magical potency lay with the Lotus SEtra.