What is supervision? One large company has formally defined supervision in terms of the following six requirements:

Planning: Make flexible plans regarding the work of subordinates. Make plans for self-development and development of subordinates.

Organizing: Make good use of allotted time. Be sure people reporting to you make good use of their time. Organize the job to be done in such a manner that the people doing that job clearly understand their responsibilities.

Controlling: See,. through effective follow-up, that others do the job you have planned and organized.

Communication: Express yourself clearly and concisely in written or oral communication. Use good grammar. Keep the lines of communication open.

Delegation: Be receptive to duties delegated to you and be assured that duties delegated out are performed. Use good judgment in delegation. Do not delegate completely the responsibility of the job.

Acceptance of Responsibility: Accept the responsibility of your job performance and of the people reporting to you. Use good judgment in areas where responsibilities have not been defined and then take the responsibility for making decisions in these areas.