God ‘D’ A moon god of the Mayas, he may possibly be equated with Kukulcan†—Quetzalcoatl†. He may represent the endless cycles of death and rebirth.

Da-Bog (Dabog) Slavonic sun god, also known as the Son of Svarog†. The name is composed of the words Dazh meaning ‘give’, and Bog meaning ‘god’. He was one of the group of gods whose statues stood in the castle of Kiev. The other three gods with whom he was associated were Khors†, Peroun†, and Stribog†. His idols were of wood with a silver head and a golden moustache. It is of interest to note that in Serbia he had been degraded to the rank of demon. Alternative spellings were Dajdbog†, Dazhbog†.