8 November 1917, vol. lxiii, 454–5

Aiken (1889–1973), a contemporary of Eliot's at Harvard, was an American poet, novelist and critic. His reminiscences of Eliot's earlier years are to be found in an essay, King Bolo and Others, in ‘T.S. Eliot: A Symposium’, edited by R. March and Tambimuttu (London, 1947), pp. 20–3, and in ‘Ushant, an Essay’ (New York, 1952). ‘Selected Letters of Conrad Aiken’, edited by Joseph Killorin (New Haven, Conn. 1978), contains letters to Eliot and discusses him and his work with other correspondents.

This is an extract from a longer review, dealing with current poetry, which was reprinted complete in ‘Scepticisms’ (New York, 1919), pp. 203–5.