In this chapter we turn our attention to residential

settings to show how experiential landscape

mapping techniques can be used to read aspects of

their experiential potential. Where people live

and what they experience there probably matters

most to them in terms of sustaining a general

sense of well-being and we have argued that what-

ever else might be involved, good health, family

and social relations, economic stability, for

example, this is partially, yet crucially, related to

being able to orientate, become aware of one’s own

neighbourhood, and be able to attach meaning and

significance to particular locations. Routine expo-

sure to these experiences provides foundations

from which neighbourhoods form and where

communities may establish and be sustained, or

indeed fail to be. Our contention is that the expe-

riential potential of a residential setting in this

respect, to a limited degree, lies implicit in its

spatial configuration and this can be read by

recording and mapping the distribution of CDTA

for particular settings.