As noted above, the parent and the LEA are entitled to attend the meeting, and the guidance also advises that the excluded pupil should be allowed to attend if the pupil and parent agree to this. The guidance further states that the parent may bring a friend or legal representative. Often the head teacher or other members of the teaching staff at the school and any other person who may be a witness to the incident(s) in question will be invited to attend, either for part or all of the meeting. Regardless of the fact that the parent can take a friend for support, the JMU study found evidence that less than half of parents attend the reinstatement meeting, with 48 per cent of governors stating that the parent rarely attends, and 22 per cent of governors stating that the parents are always absent. Only 22 per cent of governors stated that the parents are always or generally present, and a further 6 per cent stated they are present in approximately half of the cases.