General: Shipley 2000:143-7. Historiography: Martinez-Lacy 1994; Powell 1999; Pédech 1989 (Phylarchus). ‘Revolution’: Martinez-Lacy 1995; Erskine 1990: Part 6. Educational reforms: Kennell 1995. Role of women: French 1997; Mossé 1991; Pomeroy 1997:64-5. Ephors: Richer 1998: Index s.v. ‘Cléomène III’, esp. 105-8, 497 n.40, 517-18. Impact of Stoicism on Spartan revolution: Bryant 1996:427-55, at 441; Erskine 1990: Part 6; but contrast the caution of Schofield 1991:42.