The Green Party’s 2012 call to “Repeal the No Child Left Behind Act”1 stands in sharp contrast to proposals in the Republican and Democratic platforms and to the 2012 Libertarian Party platform’s claim that: “Education is best provided by the free market, achieving greater quality, accountability and effi ciency with more diversity of choice.”2 Both the Green and Libertarian Parties provide voters with important alternative education agendas to that of the two major political parties. The Green Party’s education agenda is focused on preparing critical and active citizens, teaching sustainable development, maintaining democratic control of local schools, and integrating the arts into school curricula. The Libertarian Party’s education agenda refl ects its commitment to free-market ideas and choice by separation of school and state. The Libertarian Party would probably agree with the Green Party that No Child Left Behind and the results of Race to the Top should be repealed.