As “the variety and formation of God’s creatures in the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms” are specially marked out by the founder of this Treatise, as the subjects from which he desires that proofs should be sought of the power should be sought of the power, wisdom, and goodness of the Creator; I shall enter at greater length into the Evidences of this kind, afforded by fossil organic remains, than I might have done, without such specific directions respecting the source from which my arguments are to be derived. I know not how I can better fulfil the object thus proposed, than by attempting to shew that the extinct species of Animals and Vegetables which have, in former Periods, occupied our Planet, afford in their fossil remains, the same evidences of contrivance and design that have been shewn by Ray, Derham, and Paley, to pervade the structure of existing Genera and species of organized Beings.