Charles spent in Texas. He kept a room at the Green Acres Motel in North Dallas, but

home base was Howard Lewis’ office at the Empire Room around the corner. Though

known as a cold, crafty man, Lewis had taken a liking to the young blues singer, and

he kept Ray’s schedule packed with one-nighters: a dance in Houston, January , with

Joe Turner and a dozen dates in San Antonio and Fort Worth before Oklahoma City,

January . Lewis’ son John, a tall, easy-grinning man of thirty-five, drove Ray and

looked after him on the road. John Lewis had been a pimp in California before ram-

bling home to Texas, and he knew his way around the shady side of life. Whatever town

they were in, he could steer the Olds to the right house on the right street so Ray could

score a bag of heroin or a tin of Mexican marijuana. Ray wasn’t doing much heroin that

winter, but one night in Longview, Lewis had to sit next to him on the bandstand,

nudging him and talking to him to keep him from nodding out.